9 – The components of a Strategic Statement: summarize your Strategy

After working in such a detailed way on building your strategy, you should be able to convey it in a simple and memorable way.  That’s what we do in the first 2.5 minutes of this video: we present the components of a great Strategic Statement that summarize your Strategy. Then, we follow it by a great example of a tremendous Strategy.

We have established “The Big Picture” which sets the framework for decision making.  We ended the search for opportunities with the 6 Key strategic decision that can make the needle turn for your company.  The last step in strategizing is go through your compiled SWOT and prioritize all the actionable suggestions we gathered for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and threats and group them into a handful of main Opportunities and Initiatives. Finally we do three final tests, including a detailed ROI calculation.

Your Strategy statement is composed of the elements of your Big Picture and the main Opportunities and Initiatives you will be pursuing.

What do you talk about when you talk about your strategy?  In this video, we will unveil the components of a great Strategic Statement that summarize your Strategy

The full video of Microsoft’s CEO, Satya Nadella sumamrizing his “Enabling Digital transformation” Strategy can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hx35CGZ6Xaw

The Strategy4Action Framework is a step-by-step guide to define or fine-tune your company’s Strategy and put it in action.

Learn about the whole Strategy4Action framework here: Strategy4Action – S4A Steps