During Step 1 (Analyzing) of the Startegy4Action framework, we go through almost 20 areas of analysis and build specific SWOTs for each area of them. During the final step of analyzing, we created a Summary Swot with the Main Opportunities prioritized, namely in terms of Short-Term and Long-Term and with actionable suggestions for each point in the SWOT. We created a detailed procedure for this Summary SWOT that we replicate here as well as the template for the Summary SWOT in case you don’t want to buy form S4A1303. During Step 2 (Strategizing) we went through other areas of analysis (for a total of 23+ during Steps 1 and 2) and we measured the ROI of the main opportunities and Initiatives. This final Form contains the details you should have in the “Summary of Main Opportunities and Initiatives” that are part of your Strategic Statement.
File format: compressed (zip) excel file, editable.
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