File includes 4 templates. This is one more of several times we’ll call upon the crowd wisdom of your employees to get some important inputs. The first form is a questionnaire to ask employees to point out the main (just the main) strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats they see in the company; and to point out a couple opportunities for improvements – something they can feel proud of contributing to if implemented. The second form is a questionnaire that enunciates the main values and the main behaviors and asks for employees to say what are the ones they see versus the ones they embrace – this is big and unique. So you think you have a Vision, Mission, and Purpose, or at least one of them? The third form describes what each one of those things should be and, first, asks employees to say what they think those things are (that will tell you if these things are well known); and second, what these things ought to be. The 4th form has a SWOT form where you’re encouraged to summarize the findings of the process above; the Strategy4Action framework peruses 23+ areas, including inputs from employees on several topics, to find new opportunities (as well as threats, strengths, and weaknesses). File format: compressed (zip) excel file, editable.
File format: compressed (zip) excel file, editable.
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