S4A1108 – External Analysis: Template for Analyzing Buyers and potential buyers’ Pipeline

File includes 4 templates. We explore the topic of Buyers within the Five Forces Model both through the perspective of your customers and your pipeline. The first form encourages designing a brief sketch of the Distribution Channel so that you don’t forget any part of it, and has a suggested template to determine the top buyers and list the most relevant information about them. The second form explores opportunities and threats coming from Buyers by addressing certain topics regarding the main customers identified. The third form encourages thinking about the same topics not about your buyers but your buyers in the Pipeline…and encourages you to create a pipeline if you don’t have one. The 4th has a SWOT form where you’re encouraged to summarize the findings of the process above; the Strategy4Action framework peruses 23+ areas, including Buyers, to find new opportunities (as well as threats, strengths, and weaknesses).

File format: compressed (zip) excel file, editable.

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